(936) 539-4948
By Sarah Robles July 19, 2023
The DB Bit Services team is committed to providing our customers with quality repair work, keeping their assets downhole longer, and reducing costs. Paul Keith, who celebrates eight years with the company this year after retiring from the military, is a key reason for our success. We recently asked him about his time with the Company. WHAT IS YOUR ROLE AT DB BIT SERVICES? I’m currently a PDC, steel, and core bit repair technician, helping customers vitalize their assets. WHAT IS YOUR TRAINING, EDUCATION, AND EXPERIENCE PRIOR TO JOINING THE COMPANY? I’ve completed high school, college courses, and management training. WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT WORKING AT DB BIT SERVICES? I really like the stress-free, family-like environment working here. I also appreciate using a variety of skills to successfully complete tasks for our customers. WHAT ARE YOUR LONG-TERM GOALS WORKING HERE? I’m dedicated to helping the company thrive while passing on my knowledge to new personnel. Please join us in thanking Paul for everything he does at DB Bit Services!
By Sarah Robles June 22, 2023
The DB Bit Services team is committed to providing our customers with quality repair work, keeping their assets downhole longer and reducing costs. Mark Johnson celebrates five years with the company this year. WHAT IS YOUR POST HIGH SCHOOL TRAINING AND EDUCATION? - I’ve completed high school, college courses, and management training. WHAT IS YOUR BACKGROUND GROWING UP? - I’ve worked in mechanical and machine shops, and have designed and set up bit plants for production and training. WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT WORKING AT DB BIT SERVICES? - I like the type of work I’m doing and the people. WHAT ARE YOUR LONG-TERM GOALS WORKING HERE? - I want to work until I’m 70+ and see the company provide value to our customers. WHAT IS YOUR BEST HIGHLIGHT WORKING HERE? - I enjoy working on product that meets/exceeds my customers’ expectations. Please join us in thanking Mark for everything he does at DB Bit Services!
By Sarah Robles May 12, 2023
The DB Bit Services team is committed to providing our customers with quality work that allows them to stay downhole longer and revitalizes their equipment. Josh Rossing has been with the company for almost a year, providing welding and bit repair services. - What is your post-high school training and education? I attended welding classes for three years. - What do you like about working at DB Bit Services? I learn something new every day that I come to work. - What are your long-term goals working here? I want to soak up everything I possibly can. I am keen to learn and progress. - What are some of your personal goals and achievements you’ve accomplished away from DB Bit Services? Buying my dream car before I turned 21 years old. Please join us in thanking Josh for everything he does at DB Bit Services!
By Sarah Robles May 2, 2023
DB Bit Services (formally DB Bits) is under new ownership. Everything in the DB Bits inventory is available at greatly reduced prices on a first-come-first-served basis. We cannot hold bits without purchase. These are new, used, rebuilt, and some without cutters. Check out the entire inventory at dbbitservices.com and contact us to work together.
By Sarah Robles April 20, 2023
A customer worked with the DB Bit Services team to revitalize your cutter block to stay downhole longer and minimize costs. Contact us with your bit repairs and/or new builds to save time and expenses.
By Sarah Robles April 10, 2023
DB Bit Services (formally DB Bits) is under new ownership. Everything in the DB Bits inventory is available at greatly reduced prices on a first-come-first-served basis. We cannot hold bits without purchase. These are new, used, rebuilt, and some without cutters. Check out the entire inventory at dbbitservices.com and contact us for more information.The body content of your post goes here. To edit this text, click on it and delete this default text and start typing your own or paste your own from a different source.
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