(936) 539-4948

Employee Spotlight - Josh Rossing

The DB Bit Services team is committed to providing our customers with quality work that allows them to stay downhole longer and revitalizes their equipment. Josh Rossing has been with the company for almost a year, providing welding and bit repair services.

- What is your post-high school training and education?
I attended welding classes for three years.

- What do you like about working at DB Bit Services?
I learn something new every day that I come to work.

- What are your long-term goals working here?
I want to soak up everything I possibly can. I am keen to learn and

- What are some of your personal goals and achievements you’ve accomplished away from DB Bit Services?
Buying my dream car before I turned 21 years old.

Please join us in thanking Josh for everything he does at DB Bit Services!

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